2023 WAEC GCE Civic Education Questions and Answers, WAEC GCE Civic Education Expo, WAEC GCE Civic Education Past questions and everything you need to know about 2023 WAEC civic Education will be provided in this article.

WAEC GCE Civic Education Questions and Answers 2023 (Expo)
The 2023 WAEC GCE Civic Education expo will be posted here during the WAEC GCE Civic Education examination. Keep checking and reloading this page for the answers.
WAEC GCE January/February 2023 Civic Education Answers Loading…
2021 Answers:
OBJ Answers:
(i) Publication of a newspaper to help propagate nationalism in Nigeria: He introduced the “West African Pilot” which served as a powerful platform for opposing colonial rules.
(ii) Formation of political party: He founded, in 1944, the first viable Nigerian political party — the National Council of Nigeria and Cameroons (NCNC) — with an elder nationalist, Herbert MaCaulay, who was President of the party which spear–headed the independence movement. Azikiwe, the Secretary–General of the party, became its President in 1946, on the death of Herbert MaCaulay, who was generally acknowledged as “the father of Nigerian nationalism.”
(iii) He formed a coalition government: His political party, NCNC formed a coalition government with Northern Peoples congress (NPC) between 1960 and 1966 which made him the first president of Federal Republic of Nigeria.
As Member of Parliament 1947-1950, he joined others to ensure that Nigeria gain self government. And He joined Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM) with others to open the floodgate for nationalism in Nigeria.
(v) He educated and enlightened Nigerians on their political right: Most Nigerians were not aware of their political right and freedom, but through the help of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe as one of the Nigerian nationalists, he enlightened them on their political rights.
Responsible parenthood is the act or process of effective discharge of duties and obligations of upbringing/rearing of children/wards by parents or guardians.
(i) Education: Education is the right of every child. It is one of the responsibility of parents to their children. Education is power, and giving a child a quality education is the greatest gift every parents can give to their children.
(ii) Good Home Training: This covers wide range of character moulding, attitudinal shaping and inculcating of moral ethical and societal value to the children, home/family as the agent of socialization has to inculcate love, respect, friendliness, hospitality as well as national ethnic of discipline to the children.
(iii) Respecting The Child’s Feeling: Some parents have an attitude of talking about their children, especially their unpleasant habits, in front of others.
(iv) Providing For The Household: The parents ought to or suppose to provide shelter, food, cloth, medical care, spiritual care, education and social needs for their family.
(v) Caring: Caring is been kind, helpful and showing that you care about other people. So parents should look after and care for their household in providing what their children needs for their health and protections.
(vi) Building Positive Concept In Your Children: It is the role or duty of responsible parents to build self esteem in their children.
Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit
(Pick Any THREE)
(i) Physical and emotional abuse
(ii) Threats
(iii) Deception
(iv) Abduction
(i) Mental trauma: Victims of human trafficking can experience devastating psychological effects during and after their trafficking experience. Many survivors may end up experiencing post-traumatic stress, difficulty in relationships, depression, memory loss, anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, and other severe forms of mental trauma.
(ii) Physical trauma: Many victims also experience physical injuries. Those who have been sexually exploited are often abused by their traffickers and customers. They may be raped, beaten, and subjected to abuse over a long period of time. There is also a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, infections, diabetes, cancer, and other illnesses.
(iii) Exploitation and deprivation: The process and act of trafficking usually lead to exploitation of those trafficked. In most cases a large proportion of financial benefits derived from the act is taken by the financiers and agents.
(iv) Insecurity: The operations of organised criminal groups, whose illicit activities often extend beyond trafficking, can have serious implications for national security.
Government is the political system by which a country or a community is administered and regulated
(i) Protection of the natural rights: The primary functions of government are to protect the basic human rights which include right to life, liberty and to possess property.
(ii) Defence against external enemies: War across nations has been a constant condition since the beginning of civilization. According to the federal laws and constitution, the government has a responsibility to ensure peace within its borders.
(iii) Management of economic conditions: The modern government has a duty to fight poverty and improve the quality of life of its citizens. In order to achieve this, the government must create a conducive environment for material prosperity and economic growth.
(iv) Redistribution of income and resources: Governments should ensure economic pie grows larger to redistribute fruits of prosperity. The government does this by taxing wealthier people and transferring the income to different categories of people who are in need of these services.
(v) Provision of public or utility goods: Among the many functions of government is to provide public goods. In most cases, these are services that the private sector cannot provide or they can provide in an unfair or inefficient manner.
(vi) Prevention of any externality: An externality is an indirect cost or benefit occurring from an activity that impacts your society. In most cases, externalities affect people who are not participants in an event or activity. The impact can either be negative or positive. The government strives to prevent them via zoning state laws.
Today’s WAEC GCE Civic Answers: Loading
Note: The answers below are the 2020 Nov/Dec answers. The 2021 January/February answers will soon be posted.
No (1a.)
i. citizenship by birth
ii. citizenship by registration
iii.citizenship by naturalisation.
i. Citizenship by birth : Section 25 of the Nigerian Constitution explains in detail those individuals who are eligible under this category which simply means those who were born in Nigeria. Although being born in Nigeria does not automatically confer Nigerian citizenship.
ii. Citizenship by registration : This category of citizenship is covered under Section 26 of the Nigerian Constitution. An individual could be issued a certificate of citizenship of Nigeria if they satisfy certain conditions like being worthy in good character, expresses and shows a clear desire to be resident in the country, taking oath of allegiance to Nigeria, which is provided by Schedule 7 to the Nigerian Constitution, a woman who marries a Nigerian can also fall under this category
iii. Citizenship by Naturalization : Another means of citizenship in Nigeria is citizenship by naturalisation. Section 27 of the Constitution makes provision for this, provided certain requirements to be met, subject to Section 28 of the Constitution. If the person is confident that they meet the requirements, a written application is then made to the President applying for a certificate of naturalisation.
No (2a)
Law and Order is a condition in which the existing rules, regulations, norms and related legal codes are recognized and observed for the sustenance of peace, orderliness and security of lives and property in society.
(i)Traditional constituted authorities: Traditional constituted authority is based on the customs and traditions or culture of the people. The leaders are in charge of the local traditions and customs. Examples of traditional constituted authorities in Nigeria are: Alafin of Oyo, the sultan of sokoto, the obi of umaiah
(ii)Religious constituted authorities: This is leaders of religious organization. These are spiritual leaders of any religious group in the society. They can be elected or appointed depending on their practice or doctrine, these leaders include pastors of churches, Imams of mosques, priest etc.
(iii)Government constituted Authorities: These are leaders who have the Constitutional backing to rule the people. They are leaders of Government. E.g the presidents, the governors, the ministers etc.
(i)protection of citizens:The government
ensures that all the the citizens are
protected from both internal and external danger. They ensure all citizens are free from terrorism.
(ii)Development of the society: Constituted authorities joins hands together to bring about development in the society through maintenance of law and order.
(iii)Religious authority helps followers to be closer to God and helps the followers to fear God.
i. peaceful situation and environment coupled with the abilities of uniting the community members together.
ii. Enhancement Of Security: It is the duty of a positive inter-communal relationship to enhance and ensure stable security consciousness in their communities. This will help to remove the fear of violence, war of any kind between the communities involved.
iii. Promotion Of Intercommunal/Tribal Marriage: A responsible intercommunal relationship will promote tribal marriage by allowing the citizens and community members to marry from their neighbouring communities. This will enhance willingness for the communities to give out the hands of their sons and daughters in marriage with each other.
iv. Promotion Of Political Development: A positive intercommunal relationship promotes political development of different kinds and ensures that concerned communities participate in issues related to political enhancement in their various communities.
v. Promotion Of Economic Progress: A responsible and positive intercommunal relationship will enhance peaceful atmosphere and strategies for each other business like inter-marketing strategies, inter-agriculture strategies etc.
vi. Promotion Of Government Programmes And Policies.
No (4)
(i) Investigation of drug-related crimes: The primary task of the NDLEA is to regularly find measures and means of finding out drug-related crimes which are the cultivation, trading and use of narcotic drugs and substances.
(ii) Enforcing drug law: There are several units outside the NDLEA with the responsibility of enforcing rules and regulations regarding drugs in the Nigerian constitution. The job of the NDLEA is to partner with these other agencies so as to enact drug laws.
(iii) Destroying narcotic plants and substances: The agency many times has to start from the root problem, the cultivation of hard drugs. The agency has the power to destroy narcotic plants and trees. By doing this, the agency will succeed at stifling the demands for these substances.
(iv) Partnering with international agencies to fight drug trafficking: Though a federal agency, the agency has international obligations. Its role is to oversee all drug-related affairs both within and outside Nigeria and enforce international drug laws.
(v) Leading in efforts related to drug-related researches: The agency serves as a technical and scientific unit in studies and experiments related to the use of narcotic substances. Since new substances are being adapted to form illegal substances, the NDLEA has a leading role to play in gathering these activities.
(Question 4)
1. Investigation of drug-related crimes
The primary task of the NDLEA is to regularly find measures and means of finding out drug-related crimes which are the cultivation, trading and use of narcotic drugs and substances.
2. Enforcing drug laws
There are several units outside the NDLEA with the responsibility of enforcing rules and regulations regarding drugs in the Nigerian constitution. The job of the NDLEA is to partner with these other agencies so as to enact drug laws.
3. Destroying narcotic plants and substances
The agency many times has to start from the root problem, the cultivation of hard drugs. The agency has the power to destroy narcotic plants and trees. By doing this, the agency will succeed at stifling the demands for these substances.
4. Partnering with international agencies to fight drug trafficking
Though a federal agency, the agency has international obligations. Its role is to oversee all drug-related affairs both within and outside Nigeria and enforce international drug laws.
5. Leading in efforts related to drug-related researches
The agency serves as a technical and scientific unit in studies and experiments related to the use of narcotic substances. Since new substances are being adapted to form illegal substances, the NDLEA has a leading role to play in gathering these activities.
6. Tracing proceeds from illegal drug trades
The NDLEA is responsible for finding out drug barons and dealers. Tracking illicit financial flows and seizing such proceeds
(i) No interest in registration of voters.
(ii). Ignoring electoral activities.
(iii) Ignoring elections.
(iv) Showing no interest in protecting the electoral process.
(v) . Showing no political position.
(i) Inculcating civic values.
(ii) Establishing corrupt free electoral body that would act as an impartial umpire in
the electoral process.
(iii)Independent/non-partisan judiciary.
(iv)Encouraging popular participation in elections.
(v)Defending the fundamental human rights of citizens.
(vi)Making leaders accountable to the people who elected them.
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The questions below are the WAEC past questions and answers that will help you in your 2023 WAEC GCE Civic Education Questions.
See: WAEC GCE Timetable
1. The legitimate power to compel others into obedience is
(a) Authority
(b) Constitution
(c) Force
(d) Law
(e) Sovereignty
2. The organization responsible for the issuance of driving license is
(a) Federal Road Safety Commission
(b) National Union of road Transport Workers
(c) Nigeria Immigration Service
(d) Nigeria Police force
(e) Vehicle Inspection Office
3. Which of the following is a preventive measure against cultism?
(a) Drug Abuse should be encouraged
(b) Religious and moral education should be removed from the school curriculum
(c) Students should be allowed to join any group
(e) Students should be counseled on the evils of cultism.
4. The agency in Nigeria charged with the responsibility of controlling drug abuse is
(a) Federal Road Safety Corps
(b) National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control
(c) National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency
(d) National Orientation Agency
(e) Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps.
5. Civil Society organizations contribute to the citizen’s ability to exchange- on national issues
(a) Ideas
(b) Interest
(c) Policies
(d) Programmes
(e) Resources
6. Constitutional review and amendment is the sole responsibility of the
(a) Electorate
(b) Executive
(c) Judiciary
(d) Legislature
(e) Presidency
7. The most effective means of resolving dispute in society is
(a) Confrontation
(b) Counseling
(c) Court action
(d) Dialogue
(e) Retaliation
8. The skill-acquisition project that requires huge capital to start is
(a) Barbing
(b) Blacksmithing
(c) Bricklaying
(d) Tailoring
(e) Welding
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9. The Nigeria Police Act of 1964 spells out the following functions except
(a) Apprehension of offenders
(b) Bribery and corruption
(c) Prevention and detention of criminals
(d) Protection of lives and property
(e) preservation of law and order
10. Which of the following organizations is not expected to protest against government policies?
(a) Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps
(b) Association of Market Women
(c) National Council of Women Societies
(d) Nigeria Football Association
(e) Nigeria Financial Institutions
If you have any questions about the 2023 WAEC GCE Civic Education questions and answers, do well to let us know in the comment box.
Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by Admin
Please when is tomorrow civic answer going to be out