EPFO Recruitment/Registration 2023. This article is here to guide you on how to apply for the Employee’s Provident Fund Organisation recruitment on the EPFO official portal.

Are you interested in joining EPFO India? If yes, ensure you read this post to the end to get everything needed to stand a chance of being shortlisted for the UPSC EPFO recruitment 2023.
Many aspirants have asked us “When is the Employee’s Provident Fund Organisation 2023 recruitment starting?”
This question will be answered on this page and everything you need to be shortlisted for the EPFO programme will also be clearly stated. So, don’t go anywhere.
Applicants who want to download the EPFO application form should do so by visiting the EPFO website at www.naca.gov.ng and download the EPFO form 2023 PDF.
Note: The EPFO enforcement officer recruitment application form is completely free. Do not pay anyone to register for the online application form.
Having said that, let’s quickly move to how to register UPSC EPFO job vacancies.
Requirements for the Employee’s Provident Fund Organisation Recruitment 2023
To be qualified for the 2023/2024 Employee’s Provident Fund Organisation recruitment, you need to have the following:
- Bachelor’s degree in Law/Integrated Five years Degree in Law/Masters in Business Administration/Post Graduate Diploma in Management/Company Secretary/Chartered Accountant/Cost and Management Accountant
- Two years of experience in Administration/Accounts/Legal Matters in any government or Listed – Private Organisation.
Note: The Employee’s Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) is currently recruiting. Always check bekeking.com to get the latest updates and news about the EPFO recruitment form.
EPFO Enforcement Officer Recruitment Vacancies
Sr. No. | Category | No. of Vacancies |
1. | General (UR) | 168 |
2. | OBC | 116 |
3. | SC | 62 |
4. | ST | 33 |
5. | EWS | 42 |
6. | Total | 421 |
How to Apply for EPFO Recruitment 2023
The procedures below will walk you through to apply for the EPFO programme:
- Visit EPFO login portal at https://upsconline.nic.in/
- Follow the instructions on the EPFO official website.
- Fill and submit your application form
EPFO Enforcement Officer Recruitment 2023 | Syllabus
The syllabus of the Test includes the topics listed hereunder:
- General English- To evaluate a candidate’s understanding of English language & workmanlike use of words
- Indian Freedom Struggle
- Current Events and Developmental Issues
- Indian Polity & Economy
- General Accounting Principles
- Industrial Relations & Labour Laws
- General Science & knowledge of Computer applications
- General Mental Ability & Quantitative aptitude
- Social Security in India
Work/Duty of EPFO Enforcement Officer
- Duties of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer inter alia are to look after the work of Enforcement, Recovery, Accounts, Administration Cash, Legal, Pension and Computer which includes the statutory and administrative functions like conducting inquiry settlement of claims, general administration;
- Maintenance of Cash Book/ administration; maintenance of Cash Book/Reconciliation of Bank Statements; MIS returns etc.
EPFO Examination Details
A pen & paper based Recruitment Test (RT) to short-list the candidates for Interview for recruitment to the posts of Enforcement Officers/Accounts Officers shall be conducted by the Commission on 04.10.2020.
Exam Pattern
1. The test will be of two hours duration.
2. All questions will carry equal marks.
3. The test will be objective type questions with multiple choices of answers.
4. The medium of the test will be both Hindi and English.
5. There will be a penalty for wrong answers. Every wrong answer will carry a deduction of one-third of the marks assigned to that question. If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question.
The recruitment Test (RT) and Interview carry weightage in the ratio of 75:25 for the candidates shortlisted based on Recruitment Test (RT) and qualify for the interview.
Application Fee – Rs 25
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EPFO Recruitment Form Closing Date
The closing date or deadline for EPFO Recruitment/Registration has not been officially announced. Once the deadline is announced, you will be notified.
To stay updated on the latest news about EPFO Recruitment 2023, kindly let us know in the comment box and please, remember to share this information by clicking the Facebook share button or any of the social media share buttons below.
Last Updated on April 15, 2023 by Admin