Federal Polytechnic Nekede Post Utme Form 2023 is not yet out. This article will walk you through how to apply for the Nekede Post Utme form.

You will also be shown Nekede Post UTME Form, Eligibility, Screening Date, Cutoff Mark, and Registration Details for the 2023/2024 admission as officially announced by the school management.
Are you one of the candidates who asked “When will Nekede start selling its Post Utme form”? Read on to get the answer.
Note: Nekede Post Utme form 2023 is not officially out. Always check bekeking.com to get the latest news and information about the Federal Polytechnic Nekede Post Utme screening exercise.
This post will be updated with the latest news about Nekede Post Utme Form and cut off mark for Nekede 2023 Post Utme screening exercise.
Eligibility for Nekede Post Utme/Direct Entry Screening.
- Candidates must hold the minimum entry requirements for ND Programme in the Federal Polytechnic, Nekede as in each school below.
- They must possess the National Diploma of the Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri or the equivalent from recognized institutions in the appropriate discipline with minimum of lower credit pass (CGPA 2.50).
- For candidates with pass level and CGPA not below 2.00 points, a minimum of two years post ND cognate working experience is required. (Applicable to Federal Polytechnic Nekede (ND) Graduates ONLY).
- Candidates from other Institutions WITH PASS LEVEL WILL NOT BE ADMITTED.
See: How to Check Admission Status on Jamb Caps
Nekede Admission Screening General Requirements For ND
- Candidates must score a minimum of 180 in JAMB.
- Candidates with awaiting O’level results are not qualified to apply.
- They must have at least five (5) O’level credits in relevant subjects which must not be obtained in not more than two sittings. Please note that English Language and Mathematics are compulsory in all courses.
- Combinning NABTEB and WAEC or NECO is not acceptable. NABTEB can only be combined with NABTEB, while NECO can be combined with WAEC.
Nekede Post Utme Cutoff Mark
The general cut off mark for Nekede Post Utme is 150. Candidates who scored 150 and above in the 2023 UTME are eligible to apply for the Federal Polytechnic Nekede Post Utme form.
How to Apply for Nekede Post UTME Form 2023
To apply for a programme you are required to generate an invoice. This should then be taken to any of the designated banks and make payment.
Follow the procedures below:
2. On the Application site, click on “Application Form”.
3. Click on “Generate an Invoice for your desired programme” and fill the required information.
4. Under “Programme” on the page select “ND Morning”, and complete the required information.
5. Click on “Generate Invoice” after filling your information correctly and print out your invoice or copy your RRR number from the invoice.
6. Go to any commercial bank with the Remita Number (RRR number) to make your payment.
7. Return to the same SITE or click HERE to complete your Application Form.
8. After completing the form correctly, submit and print your slip.
Note: Applicants who provide false information, or upload incorrect credentials will automatically be disqualified.
Candidates will also be required to participate in the Nekede Post-UTME screening on their allotted date and time.
Candidates who used Nekede as 2nd or 3rd choice must change to Federal Polytechnic Nekede as their first choice before they will be considered for admission. See JAMB Change of Course/Institution Form
How Much Is Nekede Post Utme Form
Eligible candidates are expected to pay the sum of two thousand (2000) naira only excluding bank charges.
Candidates will also be required to participate in the Post UTME Aptitude Test on their allotted date and time on their printed Registration Slip.
Federal Polytechnic Nekede Post Utme Exam Date
The management of Nekede has not officially released the date for Nekede Post Utme Screening Exercise 2023/2024.
Keep checking bekeking.com to get the latest information on Federal Polytechnic Nekede Post Utme registration and admission.
NEKEDE Post Utme Registration Closing Date
This is to inform the general public that the online sale of forms for National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) programmes has been extended till…
If you have any questions about Nekede Post Utme Form, kindly drop your question in the comment box. See List of Schools That Have Released Their Post Utme Form.
Last Updated on July 6, 2023 by Admin
Good day sir/ma
Please sir/ma i have my waec and neco result can i gain admission in nakede polytechnic?
Is the form out for sale or when will it be out for salling?
I want to study electricial ( autor mobile that is car rewire or house rewire
Or system operator and repair)?
And is nakede offering those courses sir/ma
Pls i want to study optometry in nekede and i bought morning form only, will i gain admission to study it and will i sit for attitude test?
Is the post utme form out?
Inform me on when screening will start .for nekede school pls sir
pls when is nekede utme date
good day sir/ma
pls i score 155 can I get admission in nekede with the mark to study SLT
Yes u can my dear
I scored 167 can I get admission into nekede?
Pls ooo
When is the screening date for nekede
pls i score 156 can i get admision in electrical /electronic in nekede
Please i scored 176 in the just concluded jamb, can i study Optometry with jamb score 176 in Nekede?
Please i scored 176 in jamb 2022/2023, can i gain admition to study Optometry at Nekede? Please 🙏 your reply will be very helpful to me. Or wathsApp me please 🙏 08102529141
Please when will HND aptitude test form come out. For those that has already purchased form
i scrored 151 can i gain admission into nekede?and when is the post utme starting
When is the screening date
Pls can I get Admission into Nekede with 162 to study SLT or should I go for evening program
Pls I score 162, can I get Admission into Nekede to study SLT with the mark??
Please when is the screening date for 2021\ 2022
Can I gain in nekede with 145 jamb score?
Pls when will 2021/2022 HND form come out
When are they starting the post utme exam the date and the time
I score 155, can I get admission into nekede with the mark to study mass communication
Same course with me as well