JAMB Government Answers, JAMB Government Questions, JAMB past questions and answers on Government, JAMB 2025 Government questions and answers, government questions and answers pdf and everything you need to know about today’s JAMB Government questions and answers will be provided here.
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The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) is an examination body that is unique in its own way of testing students. It is good to know the patterns and topics to which questions are repeated by Jamb annually.
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Jamb Government Questions and Answers (Expo)
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Note: The questions below are for practice.
1. Citizenship can be acquired by
A. Nationalism
B. Indigenization
C. naturalization
D. Communalism
ANSWER: A (Nationalization)
2. In the unitary system of government, power is derived from
A. a rigid constitution
B. the judiciary
C. the executive head of state
D. one source of authority
ANSWER: D (one source of authority)
3. The power allocated to the central government in a federation is primarily contained in the
A. Central legislative list
B. exclusive legislative list
C. residual legislative list
D. concurrent legislative list
ANSWER: B (Exclusive legislative list)
4. A constitution is said to be rigid if it
A. can only be interpreted by the military
B. is written by difficult authors
C. cannot be amended by the executive
D. has cumbersome provision for its amendment
ANSWER: D (has cumbersome provision for its amendment)
5. Which of the following political parties in Nigeria formed the opposition in the House of Representatives during the First Republic
A. NCNC and AG
C. NPC and AG
D. AG and UMBC
6. Red-tapism in the civil service refers to
A. the use of red tapes in document
B. slowness of action
C. the cooperation between civil servants and politicians
D. the politicization of the civil service
ANSWER: B (slowness of action)
7. One of the functions of political parties is to
A. make laws
B. declare a state of emergency
C. interpret the constitution
D. aggregate interest
ANSWER: D (aggregate interest)
8. Africa became the centre-piece of Nigeria’s foreign policy under the regime of
A. Tafawa Balewa
B. Yakubu Gowon
C. Murtala Muhammed
D. Shehu Shagari
ANSWER: C (Murtala Muhammed)
9. Which of the following is not an OPEC member state?
A. Nigeria
B. Indonesia
C. Venezuela
D. Ghana
ANSWER: D (Ghana)
10. Which of the following is permanent in international politics?
A. Bilateral relationship
B. Economic Aid
C. Friendship
D. Permanent interest
ANSWER: A (Bilateral relationship)
Jamb Biology Questions and Answers
11. Government is different from other political organizations because
A. It has legitimate power over citizens
B. its officials have fixed term of office
C. it can punish those who violate its rules
D. it is made up of elected officials
ANSWER: A (It has legitimate power over citizens)
12. The official report of proceedings in parliament is known as the
A. Hansard
B. Diary of events
C. Gazette
D. summary of proceedings
ANSWER: A (Hansard)
13. During the second republic in Nigeria, the branch of the legislature responsible for ratifying presidential nominees for appointments was the
A. Senate
B. council of state
C. House of Representatives
D. public service commissions
ANSWER: A (Senate)
14. The simple plurality electoral system is often criticized because
A. The ruling party may lose the election
B. the winner may not poll an absolute majority
C. it works against all opposition parties
D. it is easy to rig
ANSWER: D (it is easy to rig)
15. In the Igbo political system, authority was shared among
A. men and women with Ozo title
B. all age groups and warrant chiefs
C. elders of the community and Ofo title holders
D. indigenous culture of people
ANSWER: D (title holder and age group)
16. One of the legacies of pre-colonial Nigeria destroyed by the British was the
A. peace and harmony in the land
B. nation’s farmland
C. education of the local people
D. indigenous culture of the people
ANSWER: D (indigenous culture of the people)
17. The 1979 constitution established the
A. Federal Civil Defence Corps.
B. National Human Right Commission
C. Federal Road Safety Commission
D. National population
ANSWER: D (National population)
18. The Aurthur Richards constitution was designed to last for
A. Six years
B. twelve years
C. five years
D. nine years
ANSWER: D (nine years)
19. One of the reasons advanced for the overthrow of the Gowon Regime was its failure to
A. promote some officers of the armed forces
B. honour the promise to hand over power
C. create new state
D. try politicians indention
ANSWER: B (honour the promise to hand over power)
20. The most important challenge facing the fourth republic is
A. The need to develop Nigeria
B. how to develop Nigeria’s social institution
C. how to deal with the military
D. the successful conduct of the 2003 election
ANSWER: B (how to develop Nigeria’s social institution)
21. The day to day operation of public cooperation is the direct responsibility of the
A. management
B. union workers
C. supervising ministry
D. board of directors
ANSWER: D (board of directors)
22. A typical form of delegated legislation is
A. Act of parliament
B. Decree
C. Bye-law
D. gazette
ANSWER: C (bye-law)
23. Nigeria observed the principle of collective responsibility between
A. 1993 ad 1999
B. 1985 and 1993
C. 1997 and 1983
D. 1960 and 1966
ANSWER: D (1960 and 1966)
24. Under the independence constitution of Nigeria, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe was
A. Head of state
B. Governor general
C. Prime minister
D. Lieutenant governor
ANSWER: B (governor general)
25. The two leaders that played the most prominent roles in the formation of ECOWAS were
A. Acheampong and Jawara
B. Gowon and Eyadema
C. Kerekou and Tubman
D. Kounche and Senghor
ANSWER: B (Gowon and Eyadema)
26. Nigeria’s support for the South-South Cooperation is based on her desire to
A. promote economic understanding in the Third World
B. counter the political and military domination by major powers
C. assert her leadership role in Africa
D. promote her non-aligned policy
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27. Nigeria’s relation with black political communities outside Africa is built on
A. economic considerations
B. shared political aspirations
C. perceived cultural affinities
D. expectations of political support from them
28. The one-time president of the United Nations General Assembly was
A. Maitama Sule
B. Joseph Garba
C. Ibrahim Gambari
D. Arthur Mbanefo
29. The leaders who spearheaded the transformation of the Organization of African Unity into the African Union are from
A. South Africa, Libya and Zambia
B. Nigeria, Libya and South Africa
C. Nigeria Liberia and Kenya
D. Algeria, Libya and Morocco
30. The countries in which Nigeria participated in the ECOMOG peace-keeping operations were
A. Liberia and Guinea
B. Sierra Leone and Coted’Ivoire
C. Senegal and Coted’Ivoire
D. Liberia and Sierra Leone
31. Nigeria’s withdrawal from the Edinburgh Commonwealth Games in July 1986 was in protest against British
A. support for UNITA rebels in Angola
B. supply of arms to Rhodesia
C. failure to impose sanctions on South Africa
D. negative utterances on Nigeria
32. The major demand of the Third World countries on the United Nations in recent times is the
A. expansion of the permanent membership of the security Council
B. post of the Secretary-General of the organization
C. withdrawal of the veto power from the security council
D. enforcement of resolutions on the super powers
33. The Nigerian Youth Movement collapsed as the result of
A. its failure to win election
B. shortage of funds to run its affairs
C. the harassment of its leadership by the government.
D. the breakup of its leadership.
34. The first restructuring of the Nigerian Federation took place with the
A. creation of mid-west Region in 1963
B. abolition of federalism in 1966
C. military counter-coup in 1966
D. creation of states in 1967
35. The land use decree of 1978 vested the ownership of land in Nigeria in the
A. local chiefs
B. local governments
C. state governments
D. federal governments
36. A special election organised to decide on a political issue is known as
A. plebiscite
B. by-election
C. general election
D. primary election
37. In a federal system
A. the centre is weak
B. plurality is abnormal
C. there is nothing like autonomous units
D. there is unity in diversity
38. How many countries are in Africa
A. Fifteen
B. fifty- three
C. fifty
D. fifty-five
39. The oldest written constitution is
A. American constitution
B. British constitution
C. German constitution
D. Roman constitution
40. In which of the following countries is government power most fused?
A. Nigeria
B. United states of America
C. France
D. Canada
The above questions are Jamb questions and answers. Most of the above questions are jamb government repeated questions.
Last Updated on March 13, 2025 by Admin
Thanks alot best of luck
what about literature in English question and answers 2023/2024
The questions are nice, but some answer weren’t given to the viewers.
Thanks so much
i really pray that god should help me write and pass amen and orders that are about to write next year
But is this the questions that will come out
Lord! i am greatful because I believe that I’m going to get this admission
thanks I learnt Alot
Thank you sir
Thank you so much sir
Please the rest of the answer
Thank you sir but the answers are not complete
I pray so we can gain admision through the name of Jesus christ
And also our reading towards it can tells
Thanks u sir
thanks you Very much sir am very greatful
Is this really what they will set
Thanks alot
Thanks so much
Thank you sir I hope this is real