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How to Check and Know Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile

Check and know who viewed your Facebook profile. Many Facebook users are desperate to know who viewed their Facebook profile. This article will tell you whether you can check who viewed your Facebook profile or not.

Not too surprisingly, the cases of online harassment and stalking have skyrocketed. Finding out who has been viewing your profile then becomes a need.

Alternatively, people may wish to find out who checked them out purely out of curiosity or to derive an approximate measure of their popularity online given the increasing tendencies of us humans to seek validation.

Users running a business page may also want to understand the number of people viewing them.

Whatever the reason, we’re guessing that you too wish to see who viewed your Facebook profile since you found this page.

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The Internet is flooded with blogs and YouTube videos that claim to have a certain number of fixes or working methods to help you unlock this feature. Sorry to break your bubble, but none of those work.

The majority of those articles are not authentic and are in fact crafted in an attempt to attract as many visitors as possible to ultimately make money.

These sources or even software programs that claim to aid you in doing the aforementioned are all fraudulent, and outdated.

You may have already tried a couple of so-called “working solutions” but with no success. In fact, these methods/software may actually pose a threat to your device. But more on this towards the end of this article.

Is It Possible Check and Know Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile?

Without wasting any of your time, the answer to your question is pretty straightforward. There is absolutely NO way to know who viewed your Facebook Profile.

Remember the good old days when Orkut ruled the social network roost? Orkut officially made this feature available to its users.

Maybe that’s how this question even arose in people’s minds. In fact, LinkedIn also allows you to check the same, albeit, only for premium members.

Unfortunately, Facebook is very strict when it comes to its user policies and does not offer any such feature as of now. So unless you know a hacker or are a CIA agent yourself, you cannot see your profile visitors.

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But, don’t turn away just yet. We may not have the exact solution to your question. However, we do have something that’s probably the closest to finding out who viewed your profile.

View Page Source Method:

  1. Login to your Facebook account using your preferred browser on your computer. We’d highly recommend that you use Google Chrome as its method works the best using the same.
  2. Hit the right-click button on your mouse/touchpad and select “View Page Source”.
  3. You’ll see a page filled with codes and numbers. Press Ctrl+F (or, Command + F, if using MacBook) and type the words “InitialChatFriendsList”.
  4. It’ll display tons of number combinations against the keyword – InitialChatFriendsList.
  5. These numbers indicate nothing but the profile IDs of other users.
  6. Go back to your Facebook homepage and copy-paste any ID against the URL in your address bar after keying in the character “/”. Press enter. For Example;
  7. Facebook will now display the profile page of that particular user.

You might have stumbled upon this method on several online sources. While the method works if you want to understand the user engagement on your profile, what they don’t tell you is that it is not a direct solution to check who visited your profile.

Note that the first couple of Facebook profile IDs or number combinations are those of people who view your profile often, whereas the ones mentioned towards the end are those who either don’t visit your profile at all or visit very less often.

Also, it will only display information of people on your friends list so anyone visiting your profile but isn’t on your list, their ID will remain undisclosed.

Facebook will only show you this much information as the rest is restricted to the server side of the interaction.

How Third-Party Sources’ Solutions Can Be Harmful?

As we stated early on in the article, there are plenty of websites with blogs and videos offering methods on how to see who viewed your Facebook profile. Sadly, they’re mostly all fake.

These solutions can be offered in the form of Chrome extensions, Mobile apps, and even software programs that can potentially pose a threat to your device as they contain viruses. Furthermore, some of them are created to be able to steal your personal data for their own benefit.

Therefore, if you have already installed any such app or software on your computer or phone, you must go ahead and uninstall it right away.

It is also advisable that you head over to your Facebook page, go to Settings>>Apps, and disable access in case you have given permission to any 3rd party app to access your Facebook account details.

Conclusion on How to Check and Know Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile

To put things simply, Facebook does not permit anyone to see who viewed their profile and it also wouldn’t allow others to check if you visited their profile page due to privacy concerns.

Thanks to their algorithm, you can still get a rough idea about the interaction of other users with your account. This is especially useful if you’re using Facebook for work purposes.

For any other reason, you might just have to wait until Facebook makes this feature available to their users.

Understand that this is also in your best interest as a Facebook user. If you come across any ads, videos, or articles related to this topic, offering solutions, try and stay away from those.

That’s all about How to Check and Know Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile

We know that this wasn’t exactly the answer you were looking for but it is the truth. Hope we could help!

Last Updated on June 24, 2023 by Admin

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