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NECO Civic Education Questions and Answers for 2023/2024

NECO Civic Education Answers, 2023 NECO Civic Education Expo NECO Civic Education Past questions and everything you need to know about 2023 NECO Civic Education will be provided in this article.

NECO Civic Education Questions and Answers (Expo)

The 2023 NECO Civic Education expo will be posted here today 20th July during the NECO Civic Education examination. Keep checking and reloading this page for the answers.

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Today’s NECO Civic Education OBJ Answers: We will soon post the answers, wait patiently.


NECO Civic Essay Answers:

No (1a)

A Constitution is a fundamental and supreme body of laws that serves as the foundation for a country’s governance and legal system. It outlines the structure of the government, defines the rights and responsibilities of citizens, and sets the framework for the functioning of various institutions. Constitutions can be written or unwritten and are designed to ensure stability, order, and protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms.

No (1b)


(i) Federalism: The 1999 Constitution establishes Nigeria as a federal republic comprising 36 states and one Federal Capital Territory (FCT). It distributes powers between the central (federal) government and the state governments, delineating their respective spheres of authority. Certain matters, such as defense, foreign affairs, and currency, are within the exclusive purview of the federal government, while other issues, like education and health, fall under the states’ jurisdiction.

(ii) Separation of Powers: The Constitution adheres to the principle of separation of powers, creating three distinct branches of government: the Executive, the Legislature, and the Judiciary. Each branch has specific functions and responsibilities to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. This system ensures a system of checks and balances, enhancing accountability and preventing abuses of power.

(iii) Fundamental Human Rights: The 1999 Constitution includes a chapter on Fundamental Human Rights, which guarantees various rights and freedoms to Nigerian citizens. These rights encompass civil, political, economic, social, and cultural aspects. Some of the rights protected include the right to life, freedom of speech and expression, right to education, and protection from discrimination. Citizens can seek redress through the courts if their rights are violated.

(iv) Bicameral Legislature: The Nigerian National Assembly, which is the country’s legislative body, consists of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The bicameral system allows for more comprehensive deliberations on proposed legislation and ensures representation for various groups and regions within the country. The Senate represents the states, with each state having three senators, while the House of Representatives represents constituencies based on population.

(v) Executive Powers: The President of Nigeria is the head of state, head of government, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The President is elected through a popular vote and can serve a maximum of two four-year terms. The President is responsible for executing and implementing the laws, formulating policies, and appointing members of the federal executive council.

(vi) Judicial Independence: The Constitution establishes an independent judiciary in Nigeria. The judiciary has the power of judicial review, allowing it to interpret the Constitution and declare laws and actions of the government unconstitutional if they violate its provisions. This independence is essential for upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of citizens.

No (2)


(i) National Curriculum: Having a standardized national curriculum helps ensure that students across different regions of Nigeria are taught similar subjects, topics, and values. This fosters a sense of shared identity and purpose among students from diverse backgrounds.

(ii) Inclusive Education Policies: Implementing inclusive education policies that accommodate students with diverse abilities, backgrounds, and learning styles fosters an environment of acceptance and understanding. When students from various backgrounds learn together, it promotes unity and breaks down barriers.

(iii) Multilingual Education: Nigeria is linguistically diverse, with hundreds of languages spoken across the country. Promoting multilingual education by teaching indigenous languages alongside the official languages (English and others) helps preserve cultural heritage and encourages respect for different linguistic groups.

(iv) National Integration Programs: The Nigerian education system can implement national integration programs that bring students from different states and regions together for cultural exchanges, sports events, and academic competitions. These initiatives help students interact, learn about each other’s cultures, and build friendships.

(v) Civic Education: Incorporating civic education in the curriculum helps students understand their rights, responsibilities, and duties as Nigerian citizens. It promotes patriotism, national consciousness, and a sense of ownership in building a strong and united nation.

(vi) Teacher Training and Sensitization: Providing teachers with training on multicultural education and sensitivity can equip them to create inclusive classrooms where diversity is celebrated and respected. Teachers play a crucial role in nurturing a sense of national unity among students.

(vii) National Symbols and Celebrations: Celebrating national holidays, displaying national symbols, and promoting national anthem singing in schools instills a sense of pride and belonging to the nation. These activities emphasize common values and shared history.

No (3)


(i) Reduced Unemployment: Youth empowerment equips young individuals with relevant skills and knowledge, making them more employable in various sectors of the economy. As more young people gain employment or create their businesses, the overall unemployment rate in the country decreases.

(ii) Economic Growth and Innovation: Empowered youth are more likely to engage in entrepreneurial activities and start new ventures. These initiatives can lead to innovation, increased productivity, and economic growth, contributing to Nigeria’s economic development.

(iii) Poverty Alleviation: With increased access to skill development and entrepreneurship training, young people can generate income and lift themselves and their families out of poverty. Empowering youth to become financially independent helps reduce poverty levels in the country.

(iv) Social Stability: When young people have access to skill development and meaningful employment opportunities, they are less likely to engage in criminal activities or participate in social unrest. Youth empowerment fosters social stability and harmony within communities.

(v) Human Capital Development: Investing in youth empowerment skills enhances the country’s human capital. A skilled and knowledgeable young population can contribute to the country’s productivity and competitiveness in the global market.

(vi) Youth Participation in Decision-Making: Empowered youth are more likely to participate in civic and political activities. They become active citizens who engage in community development, advocate for their rights, and contribute to policy formulation and implementation.

(vii) Technology Advancement and Digitalization: Equipping Nigerian youth with digital and technological skills empowers them to leverage technology for various purposes, including education, entrepreneurship, and communication. This can drive technological advancements and digitalization across different sectors of the economy.


Orderliness is defined as a conscious action achieved through an organized, thoughtful, serene, diligent and systematic manner towards achieving specified goals through the following of laid down procedures, principles, standards or rules. It serves as a cornerstone for the development of any society.


(i)Obedience to traffic light, its rules and regulations; As simple as this may look, it can prevent a number of unnecessary deaths if adhered to. Unfortunately, road accidents had resulted into more deaths in societies where traffic lights are absent. The act of obeying traffic light and constituted road management officials will encourage an easy and safe movement for motorist.

(ii)Creating and joining a queue when required; Queueing is one way of achieving orderliness when a large number of people require services rendered by a few persons or machines. In this regard, one will need to wait for his or her turn through a queue. Examples of places where queuing may be required are Automated Teller Machine (ATM) points, petrol stations and bus stations.

(iii)Having an organized protest by pressure groups; An instance is the EndSars pressure group whose ordered and organized protest was suddenly disrupted by the Nigerian military. This happened at the Lekki toll gate on October 20, 2020 in Lagos, Nigeria. Unfortunately, innocent lives were lost.

(iv)Decorum in learning environments and other appropriate places; Decorum is an important requirement in learning environments. It is also crucial within organizations and offices so as to enable the staff (workers) concentrate fully on their job. In other words an academic environment decorum may be observed in the form of silence, sitting arrangements.


Civic education is the process of educating individuals on their rights, responsibilities, and duties as citizens of a particular country. It helps individuals understand how their actions can impact their community and the country as a whole.


(i) Promotes active citizenship: Civic education helps individuals become active and responsible citizens who are knowledgeable about their rights and responsibilities.

(ii) Encourages political participation: It helps individuals understand the importance of political participation and how they can get involved in the political process to make a difference.

(iv) Enhances critical thinking skills: Civic education encourages individuals to think critically about social issues and to analyze information from different sources.

(iv) Fosters social cohesion: It promotes respect for diversity and helps individuals understand the importance of working together to achieve common goals, which fosters social cohesion.


The rule of law is a principle that refers to the idea that everyone, including the government, is subject to the law and that no one is above the law. It ensures that laws are applied equally to all individuals and that the legal system is fair and transparent.


(i) Protects individual rights

(ii) Promotes social stability

(iii) Encourages economic growth

(iv) Prevents abuse of power

(i) Protects individual rights: It ensures that everyone is equal before the law and that their rights are protected.

(ii) Promotes social stability: It provides a framework for resolving disputes and conflicts in a peaceful manner, which promotes social stability.

(iii) Encourages economic growth: It creates a stable and predictable legal environment that encourages investment and economic growth.

(iv) Prevents abuse of power: It ensures that those in power are held accountable for their actions and that they do not abuse their power.


(i) Independent judiciary: It is important to have an independent judiciary that is free from political influence and can interpret and apply the law fairly.

(ii) Access to justice: Everyone should have access to legal representation and a fair trial, regardless of their social status or financial means.

No (7a)

Representative democracy is a form of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. These representatives are responsible for representing the interests and concerns of their constituents in the decision-making process.

No (7b)


(i) Elections

(ii) Separation of powers

(iii) Freedom of speech and expression

(iv) Protection of individual rights

(v) Pluralism and diversity

No (7c)


(i) Decision-making process: In direct democracy citizens participate directly in decision-making through popular votes referendums or initiatives. In contrast WHILE in indirect democracy citizens elect representatives who make decisions on their behalf.

(ii) Scope: Direct democracy is more suitable for small communities or issues of local concern where citizens can gather and participate directly WHILE Indirect democracy allows for larger-scale governance where representatives can effectively represent a larger population.

(iii) Efficiency: Direct democracy can be time-consuming and slower in reaching decisions due to the need for widespread citizen participation. WHILE Indirect democracy allows for more efficient decision-making due to the delegation of authority to elected representatives.

(iv) Expertise: Direct democracy relies on the collective judgment of citizens which may not always reflect the same level of expertise. WHILE In indirect democracy elected representatives can bring expertise and specialization to the decision-making process.

(v) Responsibility: In direct democracy citizens bear direct responsibility for decisions made collectively. WHILE In indirect democracy representatives are accountable to the citizens who elected them and can be held responsible for their decisions through periodic elections.

(vi) Protection of minority rights: Direct democracy without these safeguards can potentially lead to the tyranny of the majority where minority interests are overlooked. WHILE Indirect democracy incorporates institutional safeguards and checks and balances to protect minority rights.

No (8a)

Stigmatization refers to the process of labeling and discriminating against individuals or groups based on certain characteristics or attributes that are seen as deviating from societal norms. Stigmatization often results in negative stereotypes prejudices and social exclusion.

No (8b)


(i) social stigmatization

(ii) verbal stigmatization

(iii) Employment discrimination

(iv) Healthcare stigmatization

(v) Self stigmatization

(vi) Legal stigmatization

No (8c)


(i) Public education and awareness: Increasing public knowledge and awareness about HIV/AIDS through targeted campaigns educational programs and media can help dispel myths and misconceptions. It promotes understanding and reduces stigmatizing attitudes.

(ii) Promoting empathy and compassion: Encouraging empathy and compassion towards individuals living with HIV/AIDS can foster a supportive and inclusive society. By emphasizing shared humanity and challenging stereotypes people are more likely to show understanding and reduce stigmatizing behavior.

(iii)Empowering affected individuals: Empowering individuals living with HIV/AIDS to speak out share their stories and advocate for their rights helps to challenge stigmatization. By promoting self-advocacy and providing support networks affected individuals can regain control and counteract stigma.

(iv) Legal protection: Enacting and enforcing laws that protect individuals living with HIV/AIDS from discrimination and stigmatization is essential. These laws should address employment healthcare education housing and other areas where discrimination may occur.

(v) Engaging communities and key stakeholders: Collaborating with community leaders healthcare providers educators and other stakeholders can help to address HIV-related stigma at the grassroots level. By involving multiple sectors and promoting dialogue attitudes can be changed and stigmatization reduced.

(vi) Counseling and psychosocial support: Providing counseling services and psychosocial support to individuals living with HIV/AIDS contributes to their emotional well-being and resilience. Support groups and counseling sessions can help individuals cope with stigma build self-esteem and develop strategies to navigate societal challenges.



NECO Civic Education Questions and Answers For Practice

The questions below are the NECO past questions and answers that will help you in your 20223 NECO Civic Education Questions.

1. The legitimate power to compel others into obedience is​​ 

(a) Authority

(b) Constitution

(c) Force

(d) Law

(e) Sovereignty

2. The organization responsible for the issuance of driving license is

(a) Federal Road Safety Commission

(b) National Union of road Transport Workers

(c) Nigeria Immigration Service

(d) Nigeria Police force

(e) Vehicle Inspection Office

3. Which of the following is a preventive​​ measure against cultism?

(a) Drug Abuse should be encouraged

(b) Religious and moral education should be removed from the school​​ curriculum

(c) Students should be allowed to join any group

(e) Students should be counseled on the evils of cultism.

4. The​​ agency in Nigeria charged with the responsibility of controlling drug abuse is

(a) Federal Road Safety Corps

(b) National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control

(c) National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency

(d) National Orientation Agency

(e) Nigeria Security and Civil Defence corps.

5. Civil Society organizations contribute to the citizen’s ability to exchange- on national issues​​

(a) Ideas

(b)​​ Interest

(c) Policies

(d) Programmes

(e) Resources​​

6. Constitutional review and amendment is the sole responsibility of the​​

(a) Electorate

(b) Executive

(c) Judiciary

(d) Legislature

(e) Presidency​​

7. The most effective means of resolving dispute in the society is​​

(a) Confrontation

(b) Counseling

(c) Court action

(d) Dialogue

(e) Retaliation​​

8. The skill-acquisition project that requires huge capital to start is​​

(a) Barbing

(b) Blacksmithing

(c) Bricklaying

(d) Tailoring

(e) Welding

9. The Nigeria Police Act of 1964 spells out the following functions except

(a) Apprehension of offenders​​

(b) Bribery and corruption

(c) Prevention and detention of criminals

(d) Protection of lives and property

(e) preservation of law and order

10. Which of the following organizations is not expected to protest against government policies?

(a) Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps

(b) Association of market Women

(c) National Council of Women Societies

(d) Nigeria Football Association

(e) Nigeria Financial Institutions​​

11. A behaviour that is socially acceptable is​​

(a) Decorum

(b) Incompetence

(c) Lawlessness

(d) Smartness

(e) Thuggery​​

12. The involvement of the majority of the political activities of a nation is called popular​​

(a) Acculturation

(b) Orientation

(c) Participation

(d) Selection

(e) Socialization

13. A preventive measure against infections of HIV/AIDS is​​

(a) Being unfaithful to one’s partner

(b) sharing of syringe

(c) the use of sterilized objects

(d) transfusion ​​ of blood without screening

(e) unprotected sex

14. Drugs can be abused in the following ways except

(a) Chewing

(b) Inhalation

(c) rubbing

(d) smoking

(e) snuffing​​

Recommended: NECO Timetable

15. Which of the following is not an objective of citizenship education?

(a) Political participation

(b) Political apathy

(c) Political efficacy

(d)​​ Respect for constituted authority

(e) Religious tolerance

16. Which of the following statements if not correct about human trafficking?

(a) Every country in the world is affected by trafficking

(b) it is the abuse of power or a position in order to exploit the vulnerable

(c) Men are mostly victims of the activity

(d) traffickers benefit from the crime

(e) victims are recruited through force or deception

17. A symbol used by political parties for easy identification is known as​​

(a) Flier

(b) logo

(c) manifesto

(d) Poster

(e) slogan

18. To win children’s confidence​​ ​​questions should be asked by the parents​​

(a) Close-ended

(b) General

(c) Indirect

(d) Open-ended

(e) Unspecific

19. A foreigner who has resided in Nigeria for 21 years can be granted citizenship by​​

(a) Birth

(b) Honour

(c) Conquest

(d) Naturalization

(e) Registration

20. Queuing culture is aimed at ensuring​​ in the society

(a) Conflict

(b) disorderliness

(c) Greediness

(d) decorum

(e) respect

21. Which of the following is not a measure for curbing cultism in our society?

(a) Good home training

(b) Good leadership

(c)​​ Legislation on cultism

(d) Proliferation of arms

(e) Upholding of societal values

22. In the classification of road, feeder roads are under the supervision of​​ government

(a) District (b) Federal (c) Local (d) Regional (e) State

23. Drug abuse can be curbed through the following ways except

(a) Avoidance of bad friends (b) counseling programme (c) enactment of laws (d) self medication (e) parental monitoring​​

24. Which of the following does not explain the involvement of the citizens in the political activities of a state?

(a) Attending party meetings (b) Belonging to a political party (c) Membership of a pressure group (d) Contesting election (e) Voter’s registration

25. Interpersonal relationship is promoted through the following attributes except

(a) Caring (b) Envy (c) Honesty (d) Kindness (e) Patience

26. Good values stress the need to be​​

(a) Arrogant (b) conservative (c) generous (d) selfish (e) Stingy

27 Which of the following is not an acceptable strategy for canvassing for vote? Use of

(a) Campaign (b) Logo (c) Manifesto (d) Rallies (e)​​ thuggery​​

28. Which of the following is not an objective of youth empowerment programmes? To/For​​

A. attitude re-orientation among youths. B. create avenue for financial misappropriation C. expose the youths to skills acquisition. D. provide vocational training. E. stimulate entrepreneurial development.​​

29. Acquiring citizenship education helps and individual to become all the following​​ except

A. Charismatic. B. Creative C. Productive D. Responsible E. Unpatriotic​​

30. The ability of an individual to dedicate time and resources to support a cause is called. A. Commitment B. Love C. Sincerity D. Tolerance E. Trust.

31. Which of the following factors does not facilitate employment? ​​ A. Good medical care B. Loans and grants C. Stable power supply D. Unstable government E. Use of improved technology.

32. Parenthood is defined within the concept of a/an

​​ A. ancestry B. ethnic group C. family D. town E. village

33. Which of the following is​​ not​​ a form of human rights abuse?​​

​​ A. Child trafficking B. Extra judicial killings C.imprisonment of a convict D. Restriction on freedom of expression E. Restriction on freedom of movement.

34. The ability to do what is right irrespective of external pressure is known as A. morality B. personality C. religious bigotry D. spirituality E. stiff nakedness.​​

35. Which of the following is equal to drug abuse? A. Application of stitches on wounds B. Use of body spray C. Use of paracetamol D. Consumption of soft drinks E. Self medication​​

36. Which of the following is a consequence of cultism?

A. Economics hardship B. Under-development C. Religious crisis D. Quest for knowledge E. unexpected death

37. When youths are empowered with proper skills, it helps in the reduction of poverty and ______in the society. A. crimes B. disease C. progress D.​​ self awareness (e) self-pity

38. Which of the following is not a feature of civil society? They

(a) Are formed by people of like minds (b) are independent of the government (c) are pressure groups (d) support all government policies and decisions (e) use more of persuasion the coercion

39. Which of the following is not a reason for the initial introduction of confraternity in Nigerian Universities​​

(a) Curbing societal ills (b) Disrupting academic activities (c) listening to students’ grievances (d) promoting indigenous African culture (e) use of dialogue to settle disputes

40. Which political party in Nigeria has the word ‘power’ as its slogan​​

(a) All progressive Congress (b) Alliance for Democracy (c) Labour Party (d) People’s Democratic Party (e) Peoples Redemption party

41. The​​ concept of impartiality of the public servant suggests that he/she must be

(a) Confrontational to superior officers (b) loyal to any government (c) desperate to lead (d) permanent in the service (e) politically biased

42. Which of the following pairs is important in our relationship with others?

(a) Cheating and trust (b) Fighting and gossiping (c) Honesty and social vices (d) Honesty and trust (e) Trust and mistrust

43. The duty of a good citizen is to

(a) Acquire wealth through illegal means (b) be indifferent to political activities (c) cause confusion in the society (d) contribute to the development of the society (e) indulge in anti-social behaviours.

See: NECO Biology Questions and Answers

44. In Nigeria’s political arrangement, elections come after every​​​​ year

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) ​​ 5 (e) 6

45. Which of the following is guilty of human trafficking?

(a) All NGOs rehabilitating rescued victims (b) unknowingly transport the victims (c) Government agencies charged with the responsibility of curbing the act (d) government officials using victims as home maids (e) innocent parents who are ignorant of the offense​​

46. Which of the following positions in the legislative arm of government is not elective?​​ \

(a) Chief whip (b) Clerk of the House (c) Majority Leader (d) Senate President (e) Speaker of the House​​

47. The All Progressive Congress is an offshoot of​​

(a) Action Congress of Nigeria, Labour party and Kowa Party

(b) All Progressives Grand Alliance, Democratic Movement Party and Accord Party

(c) Alliance for Democracy, Conscience and Party and Independent Democrat.

(d) Congress for Progressive Change, Action Congress of​​ Nigeria and all Nigeria Peoples Party

(e) Fresh Democratic party, Peoples Redemption Party and Action Alliance

48. Symptoms of drug abuse do not include​​

(a) Hyper activity (b) Loss of appetite (c) mental​​ orderliness (d) reduction in sexual urge (e) Sleeplessness​​

49. According to Universal Declaration of Human Rights the following are core freedoms except right to​​

(a) Enslave others (b) Liberty (c) Life (d) non-discrimination (e) Security

50. Stigmatization of people living with HIV/AIDS can lead to​​

(a) Being famous (b) bright future (c) self actualization (d) self esteem (e) social isolation​​

51. The public servant is part of the​​​​ arm of government​​

(a) Executive (b) Judicial (c) Legislative (d) Parliamentary (e) Presidential​​

52. The most important ingredient and stimulates development in society is​​

(a) Cooperation (b) generosity (c) intelligence (d) Justice (e) Obedience

53. Which system of government allows the control of the means of production in few hands?

(a) Capitalism (b) Communalism (c) Communism (d) Feudalism (e) Socialism

54. Drug abuse involves the following except​​

(a) Continuous usage of drugs despite adverse effects (b) self administration of the drug (c) taking drugs based on prescription (d) taking drugs beyond recommended dosage (e) using drugs in medically unaccepted ways​​

55. Popular participation can be defined as

(a) Elitist involvement in all activities in the society​​ (b) gradual participation of citizens in the activities of the community (c) grassroots participation in politics ​​ (d) partial involvement in politics by all qualified citizens (e) voluntary involvement of the majority in the political activities of their country

56. Responsible parenting is essential because it

(a) Guarantes religious and ethnic tolerance (b) produces dysfunctional family (c) prevents children from acquiring skills (d) prepares young ladies for single parenthood (e) prepares young men to be dependent ​​

57. The centre of Human rights and democracy was established in​​

(a) 1991 (b) 1992 (c) 1993 (d) 1994 (e) 1995

58. What is the colour of this ribbon that symbolizes the campaign about HIV/AIDS?

(a) Blue (b) Green (c) Pink (d) Red (e) Yellow

59. The aim of Youth empowerment programmes is to develop​​ skills

Cultural (b) life-coping (c) political (d) religious (e) social​​

60. Citizens who patiently bear the pains of government policy are exhibiting the trait of​​

(a) Dedication (b) loyalty (c) perseverance (d) respect (e) self control​​

Tips to Pass 2023 NECO Civic Education Examination

Below are the tips that will make you answer your NECO Civic Education questions without a hitch.


You and I know that hard work is proportional to exam success. How do I mean? Any student who studies hard passes any type of examination without any atom of doubt under normal circumstances.

Read NECO Civic Past Questions

The National Examination Council (NECO) repeats questions on Civic Education annually. Using past on NECO Civic Education would make you stand a better chance of making good grades in your NECO Examination.

I wish you success in your NECO Civic Examination.

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Last Updated on July 20, 2023 by Admin

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93 thoughts on “NECO Civic Education Questions and Answers for 2023/2024”

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