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How to Cancel Pending Friend Request on Facebook (A Complete Guide)

Are you looking for a way to cancel a pending friend request you sent to people unintentionally or friends who have delayed to accept your request?

If your answer is yes, this article will show you how to cancel pending friend request on Facebook in just few steps.

How to Cancel a Pending Friend Request on Your PC

The following steps will show you where to see your pending friend request on Facebook and how to cancel it:

  1. Login to your Facebook account via on your browser
  2. Click on the friend icon at the top right corner of your homepage
cancel pending sent friend request

3. Click on Find friends

cancel friend request

4.Click on View sent requests

view sent request

5. A page will open with the list of friends you have sent a friend request to on Facebook

6. Move your cursor to the Friend request sent

Sent request

7. A dropdown list will appear

8. Go down and select cancel request from the dropdown list.


That’s how you cancel a sent friend request on your PC.

Let’s quickly move to the next stage which is cancelling friend requests on your Android phone.

How Do I see and cancel sent Friend Request on Android

The steps here are almost the same as that of a desktop but just a little difference. Let’s get started.

  1. Login to your account by entering on your browser

2. Tap on the friend icon at the top right corner of your homepage

cancel friend request

3. Click on requests

cancel friend request

4. You will see a v-shaped icon, tap on it.

cancel friend request

5. Another page will open with the view sent request

6. Click on view sent request, a list of friends will appear

7. Go to the request you want to cancel and select Cancel.

What happens when you cancel a friend request

The notification of a sent friend request will disappear immediately from the person whose request was cancelled.

Note: the person won’t be notified that you have cancelled the request.

You can simply click here to go directly to all your sent Friend request list.

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Last Updated on June 24, 2023 by Admin

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