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Best Philosophy Schools in the US 2024

If your goal is to study philosophy at one of the top universities in the US, you are on the correct track.

In this article, we’ll talk about the top Philosophy schools in the US. Our goal in doing that is to assist prospective philosophy students who want to attend school in the country but are unsure of which institution to apply to.

Philosophy is one of the most underappreciated majors in a liberal arts college. It is an engaging and broad field of study, and its graduates can expect rewarding careers. See Best Performing Arts Schools in New York.

With a median salary of $82,000, philosophy is the humanities bachelor’s degree that earns the most from the beginning to the end of one’s career, according to a recent survey of over 1.5 million college graduates.

The critical thinking, research, academic writing, and debating skills that philosophy programs stress are highly sought after by businesses in a variety of industries.

Activists Like PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, Pope John Paul II, and author Simone de Beauvoir, Malala Yousafzai, and Angela Davis all majored in philosophy.

The top 10 philosophy schools in the United States are listed below.

  • Princeton University (Princeton, NJ)
  • Harvard University (Cambridge, MA)
  • Columbia University (New York, NY)
  • University of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
  • University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
  • Stanford University (Stanford, CA)
  • UCLA (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Yale University (New Haven, CT)
  • University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN)
  • Duke University (Durham, NC)

Princeton University (Princeton, NJ)

Princeton philosophy majors take small classes with vigorous debates on a range of subjects, with 20–30 students in each senior cohort.

Undergraduates who are in their junior year of study are assigned to autonomous work groups of two to five people, who meet once a week to discuss assigned readings and create a final paper of at least 5,000 words.

They get ready for both an oral exam on their thesis topic and a departmental exam that is cumulative at the same time. Students can compete for thesis awards that range from $500 to several thousand dollars.

Philosophy majors participate in a colloquium series called Friday Talks outside of their school requirements. See Princeton University Transfer Acceptance Rate.

Guest lecturers are invited from prestigious philosophy departments at universities like Georgetown, UC Berkeley, and the University of Toronto, and are selected by the student and faculty cohort from the previous academic year.

Harvard University (Cambridge, MA)

The justification of punishment, the interpretation of the wording in the US Constitution, and the ethical issues raised by the climate change catastrophe might all be topics of debate in a Harvard philosophy class, if one were to peek inside.

One benefit of the department is that there are just a few prerequisites, so students can take the courses in any order they think is best for their goals.

Many college students take part in independently funded, self-directed research projects. Undergraduates who are interested in attending Cambridge University in the UK are often awarded 8–12 eight-week summer scholarships by the Harvard–Cambridge Scholarship Committee.

The History of Philosophy Workshop, which meets sporadically throughout the year to debate topics like “Locke on Complex Ideas and Ethics of Belief” and “Leibniz’ Theory of Space and the Newton Affair,” is one of the interesting events that take place at Harvard.

The Embedded ethical initiative challenges students to think about whether or not particular technologies should be developed by integrating ethical modules into Harvard computer science courses.

University of Chicago (Chicago, IL)

The University of Chicago, emphasizes interdisciplinary study of philosophy.

Courses in psychology, foreign languages, cinema and media studies, and other subjects are recommended for undergraduates. See what University of Chicago is known for.

German idealism, ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, and Aristotelian virtue ethics are areas of expertise for the philosophy department’s faculty, who are also cognizant of their strengths.

Although the school does not provide courses in Eastern philosophy, it does accept visiting guest speakers who have expertise in Buddhism, Islamic philosophy, or South Asian languages.

Each year, 150–200 University of Chicago students declare philosophy as their major. More than 50% of graduates land jobs in the commercial sector, 20% work as consultants, and many work for charity organizations.

Awards like the Seidel Scholars Grant help philosophy majors finish an independent project relating to their field of study so they can apply their knowledge to successful professions after graduation.


Everything you read in this post focused on the Best Philosophy Schools in the

The US. If you have any questions, be sure to post them in the comment section, and we will be there to attend to them.

Last Updated on September 27, 2023 by Admin

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