WAEC Physics Practical Questions and Answers 2023. Many WAEC candidates find it difficult to answer the WAEC Practical Physics correctly due to not understanding the questions. I will show you the best way to answer WAEC Physics Practical questions and make a good grade in your Physics examination.
You need to understand the WAEC Physics Practical marking scheme before attempting any question so as to present your answers in such a way that it will look attractive to the examiner to earn you big marks.
Bear in mind that every single procedure is awarded marks. So, ensure you do not skip any step while reporting and presenting your practical results. And do not forget to remember that the units are very important.
The Physics Practical question paper will consist of three areas and general Physics questions namely:
- Optics
- Electricity
- Mechanics
You will be expected to carry out an experiment, take readings and tabulate your values, plot a graph, state precautions taken during the experiment, and report observations.
What you will see will not be far from the WAEC Physics Specimen given to your school.
Note: Ensure you avoid parallax error while taking your readings to get accurate results and do not forget to choose lines of best fit while plotting the graph. It is not compulsory that all the points will enter the line.
WAEC Practical Physics Questions and Answers, 30th May 2023
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(i) I avoided parallax error by placing my eyes vertically on the meter rule when taking my readings.
(ii) I avoided drought by closing the windows and switching off the fans
(iii) I avoided zero error by making necessary adjustment to the meter rule before starting my practicals.

Note: The questions below are for practice.
1. (a) you are provided with a pendulum bob,a metre rule, a stop watch,a retort stand with clamp and other necessary apparatus.
(i) Suspend the pundulum-bob from the clamp as illustrated inthe diagram.
(ii)adjust the pundulum such that AC = L = 90cm.
(iii) Displace the pendulum bob is slightly such that it oscilliates in a vertical plane
(iv) Measure and record the time t for 20 complete oscillations.
(iv) Evaluate T and the square root of L
(vi) Repeat the procedure for four other values of L = 80cm, 70cm, 60cm and 50cm.
(vii) Tabulate your readings
(viii) Plot a graph with T on the Vertical axis and square root of L on the horizontal axis.
(ix) Determine the slope, s, of the graph.
(x) Evaluate g = 4n2/S2 (xi) State two precautions taken to ensure accurate results.
(b) (i) Determine from your graph the period of the pendulum for L = 75cm
(ii) A simple pendulum bob is set into simple harmonic motion. Sketch a diagram of the set up and indicate on it; the position of;
(a) Maximum Velocity;
(b) Maximum acceleration of the bob.
2. (a) You are provided with a metre rule, lens, screen, ray box and other neccessary aparatus.
(i) Set up the experiment as shown in the diagram above. Measure and record the diameter ao of the illuminated object.
(ii) Place the object at a distance x = 25cm from the lens. Adjust the screen until a sharp image is obtained on the screen.
(iii) Measure and record the diameter a, of the image.
(iv) Measure and record the distance v between the lens and the screen.
(v) Evaluate y a/ao , P = 1+y2/y and T = x + y,
(vi) Repeat the procedure for x = 30cm, 35cm, 40cm and 45cm. in each case, determine the corresponding values, a,v,y,P and T,
(vii) Tabulate your results
(viii) Plot a graph of P on the Vertical axis against T on the horizontal axis starting both axes from the origin (0.0).
(ix) Determine the slope, s, of the graph.
(x) Determine the intercept, c, on the horizontal axis.
(xi) Evaluate k = c/2
(xii) State two precautions taken to ensure accurate results.
(b) (i) Explain the statement the focal length of a converging lens is 20cm.
(ii) An object is placed at a distance x from a converging lens of focal length 20cm. If the magnification of the real image formed by the lens is 5, calculate the value of x.
(3) (a) You are provided with an ammeter, resistor, key, metre bridge and other necessary apparatus.
(i) Consider a circuit as shown in the diagram above.
(ii) Close the key and use the jockey to make contact with AB at N such that AN – d = 25cm.
(iii) Read and record the ammeter reading I.
(iv) Evaluate I-1.
(v) Repeat the procedures for values of d = 35cm, 50cm, 65cm, and 80cm. In each case record I and determine I-1.
(vi) Tabulate your results.
(vii) Plot a graph with logI-1 on the vertical axis and d on the horizontal axis.
(viii) Determine the slope, s, of the graph .
(ix) State two precautions taken to obtain accurate results.
(b) (i) Use your graph to determine the value of d = I = 1.5 A. (
ii) State two factors which affect the resistance of a wire.
1. (a)
Sn Lcm 11 (s) 12(s)
(ix) slope = 1.75-1.00/9.0-4.7 = 0.75/4.3 S/cm = 0.174S/cm
(x) g = 4n2/S2 = 4 x (3.142)2/(0.174)cm/s = 1,303cm/s
(xi) The precautions taken to ensure accurate results.
- I avoided conical oscillation
- I avoided zero error on the stopwatch
- I ensured that the bob did not touch the table.
b(i) When L = 75cm
Square root of L = Square root of 75 = 8.66cm
T = 1.675S
2. (a)
(ix) Slope = 2.9-0.4/90 – 47 = 0.0581
(x) Intercept on the horizontal axis = 40.0cm
(xi) k = c/2 = 40.0/2 = 20.0cm
(xii) Precautions
- I avoided zero error on the meter rule
- I avoided parallax error in reading metre rule
- I made sure the surface of the lens is cleared
- I made sure that the lens was kept upright
2. (b)
(i) The focal length of a converging lens in 20cm means that the distance between the optical centre and the lens is 20cm.
(ii) 1/x + 1/v = 1/f
m = v/x > 5= v/x
v = 5x
1/x + 1/5x = 1/20
6/5x = 1/20
x = 24cm
(x) Precautions
- I ensured tight connections
- I avoided zero error on the ammeter
- I avoided parallax error when taking reading on the ammeter
(b) (i)
when I = 1.5A
log 1-1 = log [1/15]s
= log 0.67
= 0.174
when log 1-1 = 0.174
d = 10cm
(ii) Factors affecting resistance
- Thickness of wire
- The cross-sectional area of the wire
- Temperature
2023 WAEC Physics Practical Answers
Note: The 2023 WAEC Practical Physics answers (expo) will be posted here today. Keep checking and reloading this page to know when the answers are posted. Do not forget to reload this page in order to see the answers.
Be patient while waiting in case the answers come late.
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Last Updated on May 30, 2023 by Admin
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