University of Essex Scholarship 2023. The University of Essex invites the eligible candidates to apply for the University of Essex Africa Scholarship 2023. You will get details on the University of Essex scholarship opportunities here.

This article will show you the requirements, deadline and a step by step guide for the University of Essex Scholarship application.
University of Essex Africa Scholarship Eligibility.
- These scholarships are restricted to applicants who are overseas fee payers and are entirely self-funded. They are not available to students who are fully or partly sponsored;
- Applicants must be a national of an African nation (defined as a member state of the African Union);
- These scholarships may be awarded to students who have completed relevant school or university studies in one of the specified countries, and who are nationals of an African nation;
- Graduates of the University of Essex are not eligible for this award;
- Students must have been awarded a first degree with the grade specified or above. A higher Masters grade cannot be taken to compensate for a lower Bachelors grade;
- Eligible courses are those which are full-time taught Masters courses leading to MA, MSc, LLM, MFA and MRes degrees. The Essex MBA is excluded;
- Only one scholarship award can be made per student and the award cannot normally be held in conjunction with other University of Essex awards;
- This scholarship is available for the first year of Masters study only;
- These scholarships do not apply to deferred entry. Where a student, to whom a scholarship has been offered, requests deferred entry, the award will be considered again in line with the terms and conditions that apply in the new proposed year of entry.
- Successful applicants should be available for promotional activities.
To apply for the Essex Scholarship, you must meet the requirements.
University of Essex Africa Scholarship Requirements.
If you have a degree from any of the following countries, these are the academic requirements:
Academic requirements
- CGPA 3.0/4.0 or above
- CGPA 3/5 or above
Other member states of the African Union
- 2:1 or above (or equivalent as defined by our Postgraduate Admissions selection criteria)
Degree qualification
You will also be considered for this award if you are a national of an African nation and you have a degree:
from a recognised UK university, other than Essex, with a 2:1 or above, or
from a recognised university with a 2:1 or above (or equivalent as defined by our Postgraduate Admissions selection criteria) or from any of the following countries:
- Bangladesh
- Brazil
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Hong Kong
- India
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- Nepal
- Norway
- Pakistan
- Russia
- Sri Lanka
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- Turkey
- Vietnam
How to Apply for University of Essex Africa Scholarship.
- These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and all academic applications will automatically be considered;
- The University will use official transcripts and certificates, submitted as part of the original application, as evidence of grades achieved and no alternative supporting evidence will be accepted;
- Applicants who have firmly accepted an offer of a place by 18 September 2020, and obtain a place on a course at Essex, will be considered for these scholarships.
Recommended: Eni-Oxford scholarship
Payment arrangements
These scholarships will only be made available as a reduction on the tuition fee that is
payable on registration at the University.
If you intermit from your course, you may, with the agreement of your department and at the discretion of the Director of Marketing and Student Recruitment, be entitled to a pro-rata payment of the remainder of your award on your return to study. Please contact the Funding Team for further information.
Resolution of disputes
Acceptance of this award constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. Registered
students should contact the Funding Team in the first instance for guidance regarding this
award. In cases not covered by the above terms and conditions,
or where a student claims exceptional circumstances or disputes a decision not to make payments due under an award, final appeals on decisions regarding eligibility must be made via the Student
Complaints process.
The Academic Registrar or his/her nominee will review the case and
his/her decision will be final.
When is the Deadline for the Application of University of Essex Scholarship
The deadline for the application of this scholarship is September 18. Always check to get the latest updates and news on the University of Essex Scholarship.
If you have any questions about the University of Essex Scholarship, kindly drop your question in the comment box and please remember to share this information by clicking the Facebook share button or any of the social media share buttons below.
For more detailed information, visit University of Essex
Last Updated on June 26, 2023 by Admin