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How Do You Know if an Online Course Is Legit?

If you are planning to register for an online course, there are many factors to consider before registering for any online course. This is to avoid registering with an illegitimate school or platform.

Today, we are writing on how to know if an online course is legit, to avoid wasting your money and energy. Let’s get started!

Online learning is sweeping the globe. Learning at your own pace whenever you want is trendy and effective, but traditional learning feels slow and out of date. See High School Graduation Cords And Stoles Meaning.

Humans, as usual, veered from one extreme to the next. As a result, while some staunchly oppose change and insist that in-class learning is the only option that makes sense, others believe that attending classes is a thing of the past.

Online education presents a fantastic option. It’s great to not have to follow a fixed schedule and commute. However, some people like in-person instruction. They long for face-to-face interaction and tactile contact.

Some people saw a chance to make money quickly with the rise in online courses. They established phony universities and advertised that they could grant you a degree quickly. Of course, they’d charge for it. a pricey one.

These organizations are fraudulent. Avoid falling into their tricks. To receive all the information you require, keep reading.

How To Tell If An Online University Is Legit Or Not

The con artists are becoming increasingly adept in concealing their wrongdoings. They have websites that appear legitimate, and some even use phony credentials.

It’s not that difficult to accept their claims. On the surface, they appear legitimate. They are taking advantage of your goodwill.

College degree fraud is the subject of a lengthy article by the Federal Trade Commission. That is how horrible it has become. However, this kind of fraud has been practiced for well over a century. Nothing revolutionary exists.

Before enrolling in an online university, you should examine the following items. If you pay close attention to these indicators, you can easily tell a program from a fraud.

  • Accreditation
  • By answering the question, “Is The Program Realistic”?
  • If they Try Too Hard To Sell Their Courses
  • If They Have A Suspicious Name
  • If there are Non-Existent Professors And Locations
  • Through Reviews?


The first thing you should verify is accreditation. Is the online college recognized? Some even pretend to have legitimate credentials.

Fortunately, it is simple to confirm whether the school’s accreditation is legitimate. Start by visiting the website of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). They offer an inventory of all American colleges and institutions that are accredited.

You can confirm whether a legitimate organization actually granted the university’s accreditation. The CHEA website includes a list of accreditation organizations with government approval.

By exercising due diligence, you can protect yourself from such frauds.

 Is The Program Realistic?

Some people have the audacity to assert that you can earn a degree in a year. Others utter nonsense, such as promises of employment after graduation.

Although attending a top university practically ensures work after graduation (check out Harvard’s employment rates, which are consistently above 90%), nobody can guarantee employment. not even elite universities.

If something seems too good to be true, it most likely is. Avoid being seduced by claims of quick jobs and licenses. They’re there to entice you into becoming a member. For the record, there are accelerated degrees.

However, it still takes at least a year or two to obtain them. These swindle artists claim they can get you a degree in a matter of months. Some even promise a degree within a few short weeks.

One step further is taken by several of these programs. For a small amount, they promise an accreditation.

After you finish the course, they will store your (false) license and instruct you to pay a hefty sum to obtain it.

The most cautionary sign ever is that. Give them the middle finger and stop communicating with them if it occurs to you.

They Try Too Hard To Sell Their Courses

This is a huge warning sign. Yes, the majority of colleges do try to sell their courses. Fair enough. However, what these phony online universities do is almost desperate.

They are really pushing you. They criticize legitimate universities. They try to seduce you by making false promises.

There have always been shady oil salesmen. The new snake oil is online schooling. At all costs, avoid buying from anyone who is attempting to offer you an overpriced online program.

If you know how to recognize them, these strategies can seem obvious. But every year, a large number of individuals fall for them.

The general marketing budget is another indicator of the validity of the university. Although not as much as bogus universities, real universities nevertheless promote themselves.

It’s important to complete your research before joining, once more. Look for impartial sources, such as review websites. You can start with a general one or jump right to one that focuses on evaluating universities.

If They Have A Suspicious Name

Frequently, the names of these phony online universities are lifted from more reliable ones. They may, for instance, adopt Harvard’s name and refer to themselves as Harvard’s Institute for Nutrition Science.

That is total nonsense. Avoid being duped by this ruse. Just because an institution has a well-known name doesn’t make it legitimate.

Look for the department or organization of the school you are considering attending on the university’s website. If you fail to see it, they are attempting to con you.

Just send the university an email if you’re still not sure. If the department is legitimate or not, they’ll gladly let you know. See Free Online Master’s Degrees: 5 Different Options.

Search for reviews that provide an honest evaluation of the program. Although fraudsters aren’t the brightest tools in the toolbox, they can nonetheless be deceived. As a result, they rarely make an effort to appear trustworthy.

Also, don’t limit your search for reviews to one location. Verify various channels. Prior to enrollment, make it a point to confirm that the university is legitimate.


We have been able to list out and discuss factors that you can use to identify fake online courses and also know the good ones in this article. We hope it was helpful to you. You can ask questions if you have,  using the comment box.

Last Updated on November 5, 2023 by Admin

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