Divide 1423 by 24 in base 5
Division of Number bases can be confusing if you do not really understand multiplication and subtraction of number bases. This post will provide solution to this question “Divide 1423 by 24 in base 5”.
I will try as much as possible to break the solution down to a lay man’s understanding. I can assure you that you will become a pro after reading this post and other related posts here, relax and read it to the end.
To divide 1423 by 24 in base 5, You need to follow some simple steps:
Step 1: Multiplication
Get the multiples of the denominator 24 in base five from 1 to 4
This implies:
24 x 1 = 24
24 x 2 = 103
Are you surprised how 24 x 3 yielded 103? Do not nurture any fear. Remember the multiplication is in base Five not the normal base ten multiplication which would have given you 72. This is how to do it:
Using the normal multiplication method, 4×2 = 8, remember the multiplication is in base five. Divide 8 by 5, you will get 1 remainder 3, that is to say, there is one five in 8 remainder 3. (5, 3). Write the remainder at the right hand side as shown below

Add the 1 to 2× 2 = 4+1 = 5. Divide the 5 by 5 (the base) to get 1 remainder 0. Write the remainder 0 as shown below:

Take the 1 and write before 0 as shown below as shown below:

That is it. Let’s move to the next one.
24 x 3 = 132
For this, we do the same thing.
Using the normal multiplication method, 4×3 = 12, remember the multiplication is in base five. Divide 12 by 5, you will get 2 remainder 2, that is to say, there are two fives in 12 remainder 3. (5, 5, 2). Write the remainder at the right hand side as shown below:

Add the 2 to 3 x 2 = 6+2 = 8. Divide the 8 by 5 to get 1 remainder 3 put down the remainder as shown below:

carry the 1 and write before 0 as shown below as shown below:

That’s it. The next one will not be used in the division for this question but try and solve and get the answer as shown here under.
24 x 4 = 211
Step 2: Division
Let’ move to the division.
Guide for the division
24 x 1 = 24
24 x 2 = 103
24 x 3 = 132
24 x 4 = 211
Set up your long division as shown below:

Divide 142 by 24 in base five which lies between 24 x 3 ( the selection is done based on the multiple that gives the dividend or the one that is closest to the dividend but not greater dividend. In this case, 132 is the closest number to 142 so we choose it, this show that 142 divided by 24 in base 5 is 3 as shown below:

Subtract 132 from 142 in to get 10. Bring down 3 from up to make 103 as show below: You can learn subtraction of number bases here before you continue to enable you understand it faster

Divide 103 by 24 which is equal to 2 from the division guide above. Write the 2 on top and multiply 24 by 2 to get 103 (you can see that from the multiple we solved for before carrying out the division). The result is shown below:

Subtract 103 from 103 to get 0 as shown below.

Divide 1423 by 24 in base 5 = 32 base five. If you have question, you can ask in the comment section below. Please share this solution online by using the share buttons. Thanks for your time.
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Last Updated on June 30, 2019 by Admin
Thanks for the explanation
Simplify 341base five divided by 22base five
Help me with 3243 base 5 by 24 base 5
thanks, its all clear now. really helpful
Thank you
Thank you sir!
I really appreciate your explanations. You break the points down to layman understanding, after going through your explanations I got everything clear. Am preparing my lesson notes to teach SS1&3 on the topic (Number bases) when I reach Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of number bases am a little bit confused on how they arrived at the final answer but after through your post am very satisfied with your explanation. Am your Comprehensive Mathematics for Senior School/New General Mathematics Book 1&3 Textbook
Thank you sir/ma.
I really appreciate your explanation.thank you once again..
perfect explanation
Thank you sir, help me with 23327 by 243 in base 8
Dear sir/madam
I do not understand on division in base 5
Would you kindly guide me on this.
Just complicated methodology
I don’t still get
What don’t you understand?
God bless you dear for your assistance.
Pls solution
242 base 5 ÷ 13 base 5
This does not have multiples from 1-3
242÷13(base 5)=14(base 5)