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5 Best Cosmetology School Online: Detailed Reviews

Do you want to work in the beauty industry? You are in the proper location. We will go deeply into the realm of online cosmetology schools in this article. What sets them apart from their actual counterparts?

How long does it take for them to issue a certificate? How many practice hours are required to become licensed? All of these are to help you in selecting the program that will be the best for you.

The beauty industry employs cosmetologists. Making clients look their best is their responsibility. This covers makeup, pedicures, manicures, facial hair care, and hair styling and coloring. Cosmetologists can be found in resorts, spas, and beauty parlors.

Looking good is only one aspect of beauty. It also aims to improve your self-esteem. We care a lot about how we perceive ourselves, and cosmetologists may help. See Easiest Science Classes to Take in College

Science and art are combined in cosmetology. To understand which items would work best for your clientele, you need science. Because each person is unique and requires a particular set of answers, it is also an art.

Anyone who wants to further their knowledge now has access to a wealth of online learning opportunities.

You are no longer bound by physical constraints. You can study the content online if you can’t attend classes due to a job or other commitments.

Sadly, cosmetology and other industries are not appropriate for online instruction. For a cosmetologist to succeed, you must gain a lot of practical experience.

Even the federal states are cognizant of this; hence, all of them have rules in place that prohibit institutions from providing certifications for entirely online courses.

The number of program hours required to be completed online and in person is determined by each state.

You have a wide selection of cosmetology schools to choose from. It is preferable to select a nearby school because most cosmetology schools have contacts in the business and may be able to assist you in finding an internship in your state.

However, that shouldn’t be the only factor taken into account. To acquire the career of your dreams, you must invest time and money, therefore choosing the proper institute is crucial.

Here is the list of 5 Best Cosmetology Schools Online

  • International Career Institute’s Programs
  • Online Makeup Academy
  • The Academy Of Nail Designs Complete Nails Program
  • QC Makeup Academy’s Makeup Artist Program
  • Delta College’s Spa Manager Program

InternationalCareer Institute’s Programs

A renowned institution in Los Angeles is the International Career Institute (ICI). ICI provides two different online cosmetology programs.

One in hairdressing and another in beauty therapy & makeup. Both courses are entirely online and are highly regarded across the globe.

Both of these programs are available to help anyone get their career as a cosmetologist off to a speedy start. These programs are fully online and offer unrivaled flexibility. They span 24 and 31 weeks, respectively.

Both of these programs give you access to your own personal instructor and are taught by experts in their respective disciplines. See Top 15 Best Paying Jobs in Precious Metals.

Additionally, they are reasonably priced, coming in at about $1,000 each. There are no requirements to enroll in either of them.

Both programs have received approval and accreditation from the International Association of Private Career Colleges (IAPCC), and their credentials are acknowledged globally.

The hairdresser course is thought to be more advanced than the other one, which is also why it lasts a little longer.

This is the main distinction between the two programs. You should enroll in the course that most interests you because neither requires a prerequisite.

The benefit you receive from these programs is their main selling point. Unlike most other online courses, you don’t simply receive your certification.

Additionally, you receive an employer recommendation letter as well as complete transcripts that list all the courses you have taken.

Online Makeup Academy

Despite its name, OMA doesn’t just concentrate on cosmetics. Although the emphasis is on cosmetics, the university offers programs in both hairdressing and makeup.

The instructors are makeup artists from New York who have experience working with celebrities, magazines, and normal people.

The “Elite Career Path” curriculum, an all-encompassing course that teaches you how to be a great makeup artist and how to promote yourself and succeed as one, is the most intriguing program they have to offer.

There are additionally less demanding courses with a more narrow concentration. In addition to the aforementioned hairdressing degree, there is a master makeup program and an advanced makeup course.

OMA is a great option for people who want to work for themselves. The Elite Career Path program takes anyone from scratch to craft mastery and then into business development.

Prices for these courses are generally reasonable. They provide good value for your money. Within a few months of employment, you’ll be able to recover your investment. Unquestionably a wise choice for future cosmetologists.

The Academy Of Nail Designs Complete Nails Program

A thorough online education for nail care is provided by The Academy of Nails Design. This course is ideal for you if you want to learn more about the cosmetology branch related to nail care.

And yes, I am aware that the institution is located in Canada, but the majority of states, and certain nations in Europe, China, and Australia all formally recognize the online certification it offers.

On the school’s page devoted to the subject, you can look up the licensing specifications and determine whether you need to take any special steps to obtain a license.

The training costs just $850, and if you join up for TAOND’s newsletter, you’ll even get an additional discount.

There are 11 modules in the course, and it is completely adaptable. No deadlines apply, so you can finish it at your own pace.

4. QC Makeup Academy’s Makeup Artist Program

After enrolling, the school will send you a Master Makeup Kit so you may practice, and you will have complete access to the video course. Everything you require to begin experimenting with makeup is included in the package.

There are other advantages to enrolling in QC Makeup Academy, such as the opportunity to get discounts on cosmetics. The Better Business Bureau has accredited the school’s certificates.

It won’t take long to receive your diploma from this academy. Most students finish their degrees 4 to 6 months after enrolling.

The school says it is possible to do the entire curriculum in one month, but I do not advise it. Take things a little more slowly because it will take time for your knowledge to stick. Six months isn’t exactly a long period of time.

The program is adaptable, and a program typically takes 4 to 6 months to complete. Additionally, the tuition fees are reasonable, with most courses costing little more than $1,500 and the institution is located in Ottawa, Ontario.

5. Delta College’s Spa Manager Program

Compared to the other programs on our list, this one is special. Because spas are for cosmetology, managing one is still solely tied to that field. But rather than concentrating on a single task, you’ll be more worried about the client’s wellbeing.

You still need to be well-versed in all available therapies and choose which ones would be most advantageous to your consumers.

This curriculum prepares you to open a salon or spa while also giving you a strong foundation in the various fields of cosmetology.

Ownership is challenging. You are choosing candidates, thus you need to be aware of their aptitude for the position. This course provides you with the skills to choose what others will wear, not to do cosmetology.

If you wish to run your own spa or beauty salon in the future and are more interested in the theoretical aspect of cosmetology, this course is a great alternative.


You have a lot of excellent options for online cosmetology programs. The fact that so many prestigious institutions skip physical education sessions could come as a surprise.

In cosmetology, practice is considerably more significant than theory. Fortunately, these schools make it easy to put up a straightforward method for practicing alone.

During the necessary training sessions leading up to your state licensure exam, you’ll have plenty of practice.

Additionally, having your own tutor is invaluable. Simply send them an email or arrange a Zoom call to ask questions.

Why do you persist in waiting? Become ready for a long and prosperous career by enrolling in cosmetology school today.

Last Updated on October 5, 2023 by Admin

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