Bekeking:Recruitment and School News

Best Esthetician and Cosmetology Schools in New York

Are you willing to become an esthetician and cosmetologist? Then this article is for you. In this article, we will be focusing on the schools that offer esthetician and cosmetology in New York. This is to help prospective students who desire to study the course in identifying the best school for them.


If you want to make your passion into your career, a college education might seem unnecessary. That’s especially true of those interested in careers in the beauty industry and becoming estheticians.

Most likely learned how to do makeup from an older peer and gained extra experience through practice or viewing YouTube videos. If you have all that talent and experience, why should you go to college? 

Believe it or not, there are many reasons for estheticians to go to study at a formal school. While you might know a lot about skincare, you probably don’t know everything.

Your style might work at your high school or hometown, but thousands of others across the country may have already done it.

By going to a beauty school, you have the opportunity to participate in a vibrant community with other people who share your passions. You can learn from each other and challenge one another to do better.

Finally, schools offer numerous networking opportunities, as you’ll get to know people who are in or will go on to be respected figures in the field. With these connections, you’ll have a better chance of getting the attention your work deserves.

Convinced? Let’s take a look at the best esthetician and cosmetology schools in New York. Most of these programs are part of independent beauty schools and require 600 hours of experience, but they offer all of those benefits already discussed. If you’re ready to hone your schools and meet others passionate about beauty, then read on!

Here are the best esthetician and cosmetology schools in New York.

  • Tribeca Barber and Beauty School, LLC
  • Chic Studios NYC – School of Makeup
  • Beauty Culture Academy
  • Career School of New York
  • Formula B Parisien Beauty School
  • Empire Beauty School
  • The Makeup Academy of NYC by Nina MUA
  • Lia Schorr Institute
  • Arrojo Cosmetology School
  • American Beauty Institute

1. Tribeca Barber and Beauty School, LLC

The Tribeca Barber and Beauty School takes the top spot on this list for one simple reason: its commitment to excellence.

That excellence doesn’t come easy but is the result of hard work, not only in the form of the school’s 40 years of experience but also in its 1000-hour cosmetology program.

Yes, that’s a lot of time to devote to the program, but it speaks to the level of seriousness the school applies to its subject.

The deeply comprehensive program covers every aspect of beauty and esthetics, including working side-by-side with seasoned professionals while performing on real clients.

Students work closely with their mentors throughout the program, drawing from the knowledge and wisdom they developed while practicing their craft.

With programs designed for full-time and part-time students, Tribeca has everything future estheticians need to enter the field, no matter what their current situation is.

2. Chic Studios NYC – School of Makeup

Although many of the names that have appeared on this list might be well-known to people passionate about beauty, the School of Makeup at Chic Studios NYC is known to everyone. That level of fame does not happen by accident.

Instead, it’s a direct result of Chic’s proven history of providing top-quality beauty products, an experience they put directly into their schools.

The school gives every student excellent makeup training that not only builds on tried and true techniques but also anticipates and drives current beauty trends.

With both in-person and online offerings, students learn the theories and techniques of the trade, including business skills and lessons in using social media to grow a brand.

Even better, students and graduates from Chic receive lifelong discounts on beauty products, including major brands such as MAC Cosmetics, L’Oréal, NYX, and more.

3. Beauty Culture Academy

As anyone looking at this list has undoubtedly noticed, going to beauty school is hard work and it takes up a lot of time.

To help accommodate the needs of working adults, the Beauty Culture Academy boasts a thorough evening class program.

Conveniently located on Staten Island, Beauty Culture prides itself on making the latest trends accessible to the most students as possible.

That accessibility includes experience gained in the school’s student salon. At the salon, students have an opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-world situations.

Before that point, students can learn while working with the school’s excellent resources, including a host of practice mannequins, all of the tools of the trade, and specialized DVDs.

All of these elements are in support of the school’s mission to find and create qualified beauticians from all walks of life.

With unprecedented support and tools, the Beauty Culture Academy is creating the next generation of estheticians.

4. Career School of New York

As its name suggests, the Career School of New York prepares students to launch their careers in the industry.

With the techniques and theories that students gain in the school’s 600-hour esthetics program, they are ready to go on to jobs in any aspect of the field, from spa and solon work to department store repetition to a researcher for a major dermatologist.

The program achieves these goals with its wide-ranging approach. In addition to courses about waxing, bacteriology, and facials, students also take courses in spa management and even esthetics instruction. There is no career in the field that students cannot do after graduating the Career School.

While such a professional course of study is certainly expensive, the Career School has a comprehensive financial aid program to help students pay for their education.

Nearly every graduate of the school has funding, thanks to the support from the department of financial assistance.

5. Formula B Parisien Beauty School

At Formula B Parisien Beauty School, students not only learn about the aesthetics and tools of applying makeup but also about the biology of human bodies.

This science-first approach gives students a technical edge when using their trade because they have an advanced understanding of the causes of unwanted hair growth and skin problems.

You might expect a more academic approach to beauty to cost more than other schools on this list.

However, Formula B does everything to help students get into the program, thanks to the Formula B Parisien Cosmetology Scholarship.

The scholarship awards $4000 to qualified students to go towards their tuition, helping pay for school for students who maintain a B+ GPA and adhere to the school rules.

With this combination of academic excellence and student support, the Formula B Parisien Beauty School is the ideal institution for those who take their esthetician dreams seriously.


That was all you need to know about this article. Endeavor to make your thoughts on this article known to us if you found it useful because by so doing it will help us serve you better.

Last Updated on December 15, 2022 by Admin

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